Photos updated in 26 - 28/04/2015
The harvesting is almost over, the weather did not helped at all, too much rain fall in the producing areas during the harvesting period, moreover the uneven fruit maturation on the same tress, meaning high percentage of unripe fruit with ripe fruit, being harvested at same time, made the price of fresh produce suitable for exportation much, much higher than previous crop.
All this facts together will result in decline in quality, comparing to last year´s crop, Implying in higher prices for exportation., very few pink pepper producer/exporter will have goods suitable to produce a good FIRST GRADE QUALITY in quantity and quality desired by the importers. To select one kilo of First Grade its needed 4 kgs of fresh pink berries.
We believe Agrorosa will be the only company this year, capable of offering QUALITY pink pepper with quantity.
The samples to our clients will start being sending over, on June 1st, will be sent to each client one samples of first grade and one sample of 2nd grade.
We take this opportunity to inform our clients that the black pepper catch up crop starts on the 2nd week of June, and won´t be a previewed Quantity informed previously.
Also, are glad to inform our clients that our BRAND NEW black pepper factory is finished, from now on we will be able to offer more quantity with even better quality black pepper to our clients world-wide.
Hope we can do good business together

Photos updated in 23 - 29/03/2015